Alpha Co. Pictures
Courtesy of Ken Melesky

Ken Melesky
Ken Melesky

Ken Melesky
Ken Melesky

Doc Bushey
Doc Bushey, either salt tablets or the horse pills in his helmet band.
Don't know who is left or right.

Ken Melesky
Ken Melesky

Lt Mooney Bob Sheen Doc Bushey
From L to R Lt Mooney, 2nd Pt Ldr. , Bob Sheen , then Doc Bushey

Medic, Bill Dworak and Ken. Think he was in the field from brigade going for his combat medics badge. Being we were both from Youngstown Ohio, we are proudly displaying the Youngstown Vindicator.

Grover Lee
Ken and Grover Lee

 LZ Baldy
Ken in a bunker on LZ Baldy, Give a 19 yr old a grenade and a Bud...who knows what can happen. This pic was taken with a polaroid belonging to and by Denny Hewitt. He was KIA probably within the week.

Charles Zuber, Jeraldine Anderson, Kenneth Watson
L to R, Charles Zuber, Jeraldine Anderson, Kenneth Watson

Bruce Thomas
Bruce Thomas, PF squatting at right

Lazo Lugo Gary Barto
Lazo Lugo, Gary Barto

Alpha Company

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