Third Platoon
Picture Courtesy of Doug Falck
                                 This photo was taken in late March or early April 1968 atop Duc Pho during a
                                 very brief stand down.

                                 I am embarrased that I don't remember more of the names, as I do remember
                                 their faces and their involvement in certain actions. Maybe someone will see
                                 this and fill in the blanks. In any event, my apologies to anyone whose name
                                 has gotten away from me. They deserve better rememberence than that.

                                 Seated front row: Jesse ?, Sgt Bibbs, Clarence Watson, Kermit Williams (RIP),
                                 Wayne Cyr (RIP)

                                 Seated 2nd row: Roger Fessenden (RIP), Raymond Navarrow, Unkown (Some say
                                 Danny Stoneking, RIP),Denny Burrish, Gray?

                                 Seated 3rd row: Merle Hall, Glenn Pancake,Roy Naughles, Sgt Wagner (RIP), Ssg
                                 Elizah Kelly (partially hidden & 3rd Plt Sgt), Unkown

                                 Two at right above Gray: James Szczupaj and Smitty?

                                 Standing: Yoder?, Ralph Heatherington (partially hidden), Burt Jackson,
                                 Carter, Don Merithew, Lee, George Reeves, Doug Falck (in t-shirt, Plt
                                 Leader) Sam McDonald, George Shepard

USMA Class of 1967
KIA --  September 18, 1968
Alpha Company

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